Influence of Covid-19 Pandemic on Habit and Socio-Economic Status of Home Economics Students in Secondary Schools in Minna Metropolis


  • Aminat Ladi Akande Department of Home Economics, Niger State College of Education, Minna
  • Angela Achebe PhD Department of Home Economics, Niger State College of Education, Minna


covid-19 pandemic, study habit, socio-economic status, home economics, Students


This study investigated the influence of covid-19 on study habits and socio-economic status of Home Economics Students in Secondary Schools in Minna Metropolis. The study adopted a descriptive survey design 120 home economics secondary school students were randomized sampled for the study. The target population for the study was (1200) SSII students in Minnametropolis. The research was guided by two research questions and one null hypothesis tested at 0.05 level of significance. The researchers used a well-structured Questionnaire for the study. A Pilot test was carried out to test the reliability of the research instrument. Cronbach'salpha and reliability coefficient of 0.82 and 0.73 were obtained from covid-19 pandemic, for the. The values obtained showed that the instrument is reliable. The data collected was analyzed using mean and standard deviation. The findings of the study revealed that there was no significant difference in the study habits and socio-economic status ofthe students. It is recommended that teachers should adopt measures to strengthen students study habits during covid-19 pandemic to boost their study habits in home economics. Also, students should be reoriented to improve study habits in relation to time allocation for personal reading and assignments since these are crucial aspects of schooling.


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How to Cite

Akande, A. L., & Achebe PhD, A. . (2023). Influence of Covid-19 Pandemic on Habit and Socio-Economic Status of Home Economics Students in Secondary Schools in Minna Metropolis. MINNA JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL STUDIES, 8(1), 60–68. Retrieved from