<p>Minna Journal of Educational Studies (MIJES), online ISSN (2814-1598); print ISSN (1117-6563) is a double-blind peer-reviewed, open access research journal published by the Directoriate of Research, Innovation & Development of the Niger State College of Education, Minna and fully sponsored by TETFUND. It contains articles in the field of Education, Languages, Arts and Social Sciences respectively,</p>en-USMINNA JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL STUDIES1117-6563The Dilemma of the Post-modern Woman: Asserting the Female Voice in Zaynab Alkali’s Cobwebs and Other Stories
<p>This paper examines the representation of the postmodern Woman in Alkali’s Cobwebs and Other Stories. It argues that the postmodern condition and its tendency to question traditional, social and religious structures opens up a space within the patriarchal system for women to assert their identity especially in their search for meaning and happiness. Using Lyotard’s argument of “incredulity towards metanarratives” as analytical lens, this paper examines how the female characters respond to the postmodern condition. The paper finds that the main characters in the selected short stories are confronted with the dilemma of choosing between fulfilling their personal dreams and motherhood or the cultural and religious expectations of traditional society. It concludes that the postmodern condition empowers the female characters in the selected short stories with the capacity to interrogate beliefs and cultural systems that trample on their right to happiness and freedom. Thus the need to assert the female voice has become a recurring theme in postmodern fiction.</p>Muhammad Mahmud, PhD
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2023-08-292023-08-298119Objectification, Rejection, Suppression, and Feminine Resistance in African Novel
<p>This paper undertakes a study on the depiction of the position and condition of women characters in the social context of the setting of African novel, King Lazarus by Mongo Beti. In most cases in African societies, women are treated as no less consumable sexual objects whose lives are totally controlled by the men. They are also used as mere political collateral by the elders of their respective clans. Beti in the novel treats the dehumanizing conditions African women found themselves in the society. Their personal humiliation, suppression, rejection and suffering are ignored by these men (both the African and the European characters) in the novel. The paper, therefore, examines through the feminist concept of objectification the suffering, humiliation, and rejection faced by the female characters in the hands of both the African and the European characters as demonstrated by Mongo Beti in the novel. It also probes into the resistance put against these unjust acts of repudiation and rejection by the women as portrayed in the novel, which serves as a catalyst for disaster later in the clan. In summary, this article, investigated and examined the author’s portrayal of the condition of the female characters in the novel in the hands of both the colonizing men and the colonized men and the form of resistance by the female gender in the African society during colonialism and beyond.</p>Abubakar Mohammed Sani, PhD
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2023-09-042023-09-04811017Building Resilience among Pre-Primary School Teachers in Conflict Situation in Niger State
<p>The study identified factors that enhances resilience among Pre-Primary School Teachers in conflict situations and also determined the impact of building of resilience among Pre-Primary School Teachers in conflict situations in Niger State. A total of 80 respondents were used for the study. Two research questions guided the study. The study employed survey research design with thirty five item statements to elicit information from the respondents. The findings of the study indicated that development of secured relationships, willingness to accept change, self-control and engagement in recreational activities, personal competence of the teacher, involvement in sports by the teacher, the level of positive self-esteem developed by the teacher, teachers control of emotions, self-discipline and development of trust within and outside the school among others are factors that can enhance resilience building among pre-primary school teachers. The impact of these factors on the building of resilience among pre-primary school teachers were highlighted and recommendations made.</p>Dantani Isah Sani PhDHauwakulu SabaAbdullahi JibrinHalima Isah
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2023-09-042023-09-04811823Effects of Poverty on Academic Progress of Students in Niger State College of Education, Minna: Implications for Counselling
<p>This research project, examined the effect of poverty on academic progress of students in college of education, Minna. The background to the study was that poverty remains a stubborn fact of life and interrupts students’ academic progress. The problem of this study is that, a lot of students in college of education, Minna due vacate the school to search for registration fees, while the lectures are going on. It disturbed a good number of students psychologically, most especially when the deadline for tuition fee payment to register the student is published. In ability to capture them for the examination as a result of no registration payment due to poverty also disturbed them mentally. This study is significance to all stakeholders, most especially the students and their parents or guardians. Thus, the main purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of poverty on academic progress of students in College of Education Minna. The other purposes were explicitly stated under three (3) specific objectives, research questions and hypotheses were also stated and tested. The scope of the study focused on students’ interruptions during lectures as a result of poverty and not on their intelligent quotient. The study reviewed the previous related empirical studies of Taiye (2020) in Akoko Local Government of Ondo State and the findings revealed that parental source of income and students’ health status do have significance effect on students’ poverty and affect their academic progress. The study has 285 Population out of which 65 sample size was derived. The T-test was used to answer the research questions, while the chi-square was adopted in testing the hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. It was recommended that school management should utilize the available natural resource in the college to support and empower such students.</p>Dr. Hajara MohammedMusa Abdullahi ZhipeFatima I. Adams
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2023-09-042023-09-04812432Relationship among Gender Sexual Attitude, Sexual Self-Esteem and Risky Sexual Behaviours of Senior Secondary School Students in Niger State, Nigeria
<p>The rate at which school going adolescents engaged in risky sexual Behaviours in the Country are alarming and now of serious concern. It is therefore/the focus of this study to examine the relationship among gender sexual attitude, sexual self-esteem and risky sexual behaviours of Senior Secondary School Student in Niger State Nigeria. Multi-stage sampling techniques were employed in selecting 290 school going adolescents from some Senior Secondary Schools in the seven educational zones of Niger State. One research question was answered using descriptive analysis of ordinary percentage and rank order, three hypotheses were tested using Pearson product-moment correlation co-efficient at 0.05 significant level. The students responded to the instrument used for data collection, the items were constructed on a 4- point likert scale of strongly agree, agree, disagree and strongly disagree, with a total of 50 items titled "Questionnaire on the relationship among gender sexual attitude, sexual self-esteem and risky sexual behaviours" (QRAGSASSERSB). The result revealed that there are significant relationships among gender sexual attitude, sexual self-esteem and risky sexual behavior of senior secondary school students. Some recommendations were proffered among which is; preventive seminars and workshops were advocated for students and sex education should be integrated and properly implemented in the secondary schools curriculum.</p>Musa MohammedDr (Mrs) Anthonia UgochukwuAbdulkadir Ranfat Mamman
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2023-09-042023-09-04813344Food Security for Food Sufficiency in the Family Households during Covid-19 Pandemic in Chanchaga Local Government Area, Niger State
<p>This research work identified the role of Home economics in ensuring food security, food sufficiency and nutritional attainment in Minna family household of Niger State. The study purposed of the study was made up of four and four research questions. The sample was made up of one hundred (100) people were Stratified random sampling to select household from four local government area. The data obtained was analyzed by using simple frequency distribution and percentage. The findings indicated that there no shortage of foods in family households with (85%) and (98%) agreed that there were no positive implications of food security on the health status of family households. Based on the findings amongst others the following recommendations were made that Niger State government should motivate and encourage teachers of home economics so as to enable them show much commitment to their assigned tasks. By providing all facilities and equipments needed in teaching home economics in the schools. Home economists should investigate whether housewives are able to effectively prepare, cook and serve foods in a way that retain nutrients through workshops.</p>Aminat Ladi AkandeAngela Achebe PhD
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2023-09-042023-09-04814552Functional Technical Education: Pathway to Income and Job Opportunities in Nigeria
<p>The study was designed to highlight the importance of technical education as education that prepared trainees to acquire practical skills, attitudes and knowledge competent enough to perform determine tasks for employment. The functions, areas of benefits, challenges, and way forward for technical education were explained and some recommendations were made which include, among others that Government at all level should provide standard and adequate instructional materials, tools, equipment and consumable material, adequate fund should be provided for technical education institutions for practical skills acquisition and adequate and qualified manpower should always be employ for technical education institutions.</p>Umar B. Kudu Ph.DMohammed A. Usman
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2023-09-042023-09-04815359Influence of Covid-19 Pandemic on Habit and Socio-Economic Status of Home Economics Students in Secondary Schools in Minna Metropolis
<p>This study investigated the influence of covid-19 on study habits and socio-economic status of Home Economics Students in Secondary Schools in Minna Metropolis. The study adopted a descriptive survey design 120 home economics secondary school students were randomized sampled for the study. The target population for the study was (1200) SSII students in Minnametropolis. The research was guided by two research questions and one null hypothesis tested at 0.05 level of significance. The researchers used a well-structured Questionnaire for the study. A Pilot test was carried out to test the reliability of the research instrument. Cronbach'salpha and reliability coefficient of 0.82 and 0.73 were obtained from covid-19 pandemic, for the. The values obtained showed that the instrument is reliable. The data collected was analyzed using mean and standard deviation. The findings of the study revealed that there was no significant difference in the study habits and socio-economic status ofthe students. It is recommended that teachers should adopt measures to strengthen students study habits during covid-19 pandemic to boost their study habits in home economics. Also, students should be reoriented to improve study habits in relation to time allocation for personal reading and assignments since these are crucial aspects of schooling.</p>Aminat Ladi AkandeAngela Achebe PhD
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2023-09-042023-09-04816068A Professional Competency for Technical and Vocational Education Teachers in Technical Colleges in Niger State, Nigeria
<p>A significant amount of concern has been expressed about all the way in which Technical Vocational Education Training (TVET) is taught in Nigeria and particularly in technical colleges in Niger State. This concern stems partly from the fact that the nation cannot grow its human and material resources effectively without sufficient and well-trained manpower at all Technical educational levels. This study therefore investigates the professional skills training needs of Technical Vocational Teachers in Technical Colleges in Niger State. The sample method used for the survey. The study population comprised of all technical college teachers in Niger state; the sample included all the sixty (60) Technical Teachers that made up the population. For data collection, professional training competencies Needs of Technical Vocational Teachers Questionnaire were used. The test-retest method was also used to determine the coefficient of reliability of which 0.72 was obtained. The data collected were analyzes using the statistical method Mean and Standard deviation. The findings from this study showed that the teachers of technical colleges in Niger state of Nigeria are not exposed to workshops, seminars, conferences and other means of acquiring basic technical knowledge, skills and attitudes and that innumerable teachers of technical colleges are not competent. It was therefore recommended that all technical teacher training institutions function in performance as a matter of necessity and produce an appropriate curriculum which will take on the necessary skills for our new technical teachers in training and those already in the field through in-service training.</p>Alhassan Ndagi UsmanAdamu Alhaji IbrahimUmar Muhammad Isah Doko Umar Muhammad Isah Doko
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2023-09-042023-09-04816977Repositioning Teacher Qualification And Laboratory Equipment on Students’ Academic Performance in Biology in Selected Secondary Schools in Minna
<p>Accomplishment in some pursuits may depend on a variety of factors, and this may also be true for academic success. The present study aimed at determining the effect of teacher qualification and laboratory equipment on student performance in biology SSCE from 2010-2020, using ten selected secondary schools out of fourteen schools in Minna as case study. To this end, this study related these factors to teaching and learning process and the extent to which each affect learner’s performance in Biology. The study was a descriptive research of the survey type. Sample consisted of ten randomly selected secondary schools in Minna, Niger State. The instrument was a ten items teachers’ and students’ questionnaire together with the West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) scores of students in Biology between 2010 and 2020. The hypotheses were tested using Chi-square statistical tool. Findings of the study revealed that there was a significant difference between teachers’ qualification and students’ academic performance; laboratory equipments and students’ academic performance. The chi-square calculated values of 50.92 and 50.02 were greater than the critical value of 3.357 at P=0.05. This indicates that teachers’ qualification and laboratory equipments influence students’ academic performance in biology. The study recommends that more qualified biology teachers be recruited to reduce teachers’ workload. Adequate provision of laboratory equipment’s such as microscopes, stains, preservatives, preservation bottles, chemicals for food tests, wall Charts, models should be provided for effective teaching and learning in public schools.</p>M. K ABDULLAHID.P. AUDU
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